Refraction Puzzle
A defense room based puzzle. Something of an automated magic defense that shoots a beam through a giant room of hallways. Typical lazer beam puzzle except the beam instead of unlocking something is used to target the parties. A central Magic object shoots the beam and a decent amount of satalite defense drones redirect or boost the beam. The central object can't move but the satalite drones can but can't occupy the same space. I figure the party can beat it in a few ways (other then creative solutions) , eliminating all the satalites and limiting the ability for beams to hit giving them time to close in on the main object. Or they can refract beams back through the puzzle room and hit the main object with it's own attack. For Player Clues: Green drones will refract the beam left. Red will refract the beam right. Gold boosts the damage of the beam but does not redirect the beams path. White defends against ranged attacks and blocks beams from being refracted back but again doesn't change the direction of the beam. Optionaly you might want a spliter if you want to add even more difficulty. I would probably color them purple. The puzzle can be made easier or more difficult depending on the need. Instead of movement I think the drones can teleport to any intersection adjacent on their turn.

When Players enter the northern most room the tiles on the floor will begin to light up in a random order. This might confuse the players as it is counting down before either a deactivation of the defense system is put in to a dial in the wall or the puzzle is cleared before the timer runs out. there are 45 blocks and another ones should light up every 5 seconds or so. Per initiative this should give them plenty of time to navigate the maze even without a code but I am banking on them either being stuck in the maze or trying to figure out the Faux puzzle before them. There are a few good paths to the central gold platform where the main magic item will sit (sorry I don't have the items on the map, dungeon fog started freaking out when I was placing them, likely due to the sheer number of rooms). There are two safe rooms if you want to use them. Essentially it just gives them a good place to rest or re-strategize. In all the rooms with the unique tiles I would place a DC 15 perception check to realize that tiles on the wall can be removed and the oposing side is a mirror towershield, of course giving the players a chance to refract the beam back with a dex 18 save if they don't know what direction it's coming from (trying to beat a lazer beam after) and a Dex 12 If they do (they could proceed blindly pushing it forward but if the force from the beam causes them to tilt into the nearby wall then the explosion from the beam hitting the wall would be enough to knock them back and likely the shield out of the way as the walls are so close.) If you want to be even more cruel the drones could have a self destruct if their HP get too low to help keep the heavy melee users in check. Everything is of course scalable to your party. This could be a simple lvl 1 spell or a lvl 20 spell depending on how harsh you want to be. SImply adding in drones that do different things can make all the difference but essntially it is the DM as an AI defense system against the party so the strategy is constantly evolving. ANYWAY! the objective is to get to the main magic object and destroy it. After doing so it floats into a socket in the sealing and begins regenerating but the platform it sits on acts as a teleportation pad and moves the players on to the next part of the dungeon.
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