Scaletail Atoll
This area is balanced for an approximately level 3 party.

Scaletail Atoll is a small isolated patch of rocky sand amongst the Nelanther Isles west of Amn, populated by a village of unusually tiny but fierce lizardfolk (Monster Manual(MM) pg 204) that have taken up residence in an abandoned temple to Amaunator. The lizardfolk are wary of outsiders and are particularly on edge currently due to the recent appearance of a bulette (MM pg. 34), which has tunneled into the lower reaches of the temple, undermining the already old and poorly maintained structure and eating several lizardfolk. They managed to temporarily trap the bulette in a marble room in the temple, but know that it will eventually tunnel its way out. The lizardfolk hide at the sight of intruders approaching the island’s surface, and will ambush anyone who enters the temple. The leader of the lizardfolk, a shaman named Coatl, may be reasoned with if anyone can speak draconic, particularly if the party offers to kill or scare off the bulette and does not respond aggressively the lizardfolk ambush.

Disclaimer: This map is intended for the 3-hour map battle, but the descriptions were typed out in Word beforehand which isn’t included in the 3 hours. It’s unclear to me if that’s in the rules, but I figure the map is more useful to others with some description of what’s intended to be portrayed.
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