Editor Update v5.6.2

animation of patch changes


Create templates for prop groups like with rooms and speed up your map making workflow. Save your favorite prop combinations and reuse them in every map you like.


April 2021 Update
DungeonFog Battlemap Editor - v5.6.2

New Premium Only Features:

  • Prop Templates - Prop templates are created by selecting a prop group and clicking 'create prop template'. Prop templates can be found in the Prop Tool under the category 'My Templates'.

General Changes:

  • Template Categories - The category drop-down menu, when creating or editing templates, will includes the names of all categories from both room and prop templates.
  • Template Categories - The category drop-down menu is now limited to a display of 8, and a scroll menu has been implemented for users with more than 8 categories.
  • You can now use the mouse to rotate/resize a sub-segment of brushes and shapes.
  • The levels drop-down now scrolls when there are a large number of levels.
  • Tool-tips have now been added to the top bar icons.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an error that was causing a crash when duplicating prop groups.
  • Uploaded assets that are part of a cloned map will now properly show up in the 'My Uploads' category for Props,Textures, and Tokens.
  • When using the prop tool, selecting a non map decoration prop will now properly turn off map decoration option.
  • R for rotate of a shape/brush sub-segment is now working properly.
  • Templates - Spaces are now properly trimmed from the front and end of names and categories. This will prevent the creation of extra categories due to leading/trailing spaces and simplify searches.
  • Edit Template - Fixed a bug that was limiting the category drop-down menu to not extent beyond the edit window.

Campaign Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where tokens with sight disabled were still showing through FOW.
  • Hiding a token will now disable sight for the token (until it is un-hidden).
  • We implemented a fix that was preventing remote campaign screens from loading.


Weekly DGNFOG Streams


We have started our weekly streaming schedule, with regular updates on the Online Battlemap Editor (Every Tuesday, 7pm UTC)DEIOS (Every last Tuesday of the month, 7pm UTC) and a weekly mapping stream (Every Thursday, 7.30pm UTC) where you can join us to ask questions, chat and build maps:


Twitch schedule


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