Editor Update v5.5.1

With great power comes great responsibility

Our latest updates introduced the text tool and map decorations, extending the vast library of features of the Battle Map Editor

After spending some time with these new features and listening to your feedback we came up with a couple of changes to improve you experience and to fix some bugs. Let us know what you think and how we can improve more.


March 2021 Patch
DungeonFog Battlemap Editor - v5.5.1

Core Changes

  • As part of our ongoing effort for unification across the platform, all entry fields now require pressing enter to save the entered value.
  • Exiting a field that has not been confirmed (enter) will revert the fields to it previous value. This change will affect the majority of text fields, with only the following exeptions:
    • Resize Map tool
    • Text area of the text tool
    • Search fields

New Features

  • ESC key implemented - You can now press escape to exit any field.
  • ESC key while using the selection tool will allow you to work out to the stage:
    prop -> prop group -> room -> room group -> stage
  • R key for room(room groups) rotation has now been implemented for all map objects.
  • Rotation has been added to tokens in the asset manager.
  • Light settings for props and tokens can now be set prior to placing a new object. This was implemented so that 'light source' settings for props and tokens set in the asset manager are properly applied when placed, and changed for tokens if already placed.

General Changes

  • Map decorations are no longer displayed in GM notes.

Bug Fixes

  • The texture picker in the asset manager for tokens has been been made larger to make it easier to select the desired texture.
  • Token Preview was missing from the Asset Manager when editing a custom token.
  • Custom named tokens in the asset manager now support label features.
  • The token tool now properly applies all values from a custom token created in the asset manager.
  • Map decorations and above wall props that are part of a room are now properly hidden when the room is hidden.
  • GM Notes - Level and room images now load properly.
  • The manual entry field for token sight in the campaign manager has been fixed.

Known Issues

  • Hiding a room with a door to an adjoined room may hide the door leaving a wall cutout.


Weekly DGNFOG Streams


We have started our weekly streaming schedule, with regular updates on the Online Battlemap Editor (Every Tuesday, 7pm UTC)DEIOS (Every last Tuesday of the month, 7pm UTC) and a weekly mapping stream (Every Thursday, 7.30pm UTC) where you can join us to ask questions, chat and build maps:


Twitch schedule


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