Cold Cavern
As you step toward the cold caverns, an almost oppressive silence blankets the air, punctuated only by the faint crackle of frost settling on weary surfaces. Jagged ice cliffs loom around you, their crystalline beauty glimmering with hues of azure, casting chilly reflections upon the floor, which is a tapestry of icy snow and scattered snowy rocks. Here, amidst the glistening drifts, lies the haunting remains of a dead knight—an echo of valor now obscured beneath layers of snowdrifts and stone, invoking a palpable sense of loss and desolation. The air is thick with the scent of cold, laced with the sharpness of untouched ice, as small heaps of white, softened by constant squalls, tell silent stories of forgotten battles. Welcome to a realm where sunlight seldom brews, and the skeletal remains of a bygone era linger, shrouded in reverent stillness.
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