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Week 2 - Jade Pools
by BattleSauce
Primewater Mansion part 2 (upper floor & attic)
by beetle
Clock Tower (multi-level)
by arm#5389
The House that Jack Built
by BattleSauce
Large Victorian house
by AbelBlakk
Haunted Lighthouse
by Mokattam
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Welcome to an Australian colonial setting for fiction and roleplay.
In 1886, South Australians celebrated the 50th anniversary of their Colony, a Golden Jubilee. What should have been a year of celebration started as a nightmare of drought, economic depression, unemployment, disease, and food shortages. Someone, or something, was trying to destroy the Colony.

The colonists of South Australia needed saving from the consequences of their actions. An existential threat faced every living soul in the Colony. Dangerous things slipped from the Dark into the Daylight.

Risk an unmarked grave among rows of dead for a future and a place to call home.
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