Goblin's Embrace
Goblin's stowed away on vessals heading for the new world. Ships that failed to stay precisely on path would end up smashed against the rocks. Miracilously some goblins survived by.... Goblin luck? Upon washing up on shore the quickly found only two options available, try to survive in the jungle filled with deadly creatures which would surely make them a lovely snack or try and head back out to sea that flung them against the rocks to begin with. They opt for the jungle only to immedietly find themselves before perilous danger. Fleeing with all the might their tiny goblin feet could bare they (through another stroke of goblin luck) found a cave mostly unoccupied and took shelter. This cave is bountiful with resources for survival and being near the ship wreck beach is frequently restocked with wrecked ship cargo. Goblin luck is a glorious thing.. You will notice off the main map there is a cave that's been blocked off. After finding this opertunistic cave the goblins found a dormant creature and just decided to wall it in quietly. Until it dies of starvation.. or is accidentally uncovered and woken up it will stay there, but how often can a party ressist the call of an unexplored room that has been poorly blocked by goblins?
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