Announcing our new Book


Kickstarter launches in

Just Launched

Get a Sneak Preview!

Go over at and get a 15 page sneak preview of the book, working through the location of swamps.

Unlock your mind and create amazing locations to set your heroes in!


About this Book

As storytellers, we constantly create new locations – a dark forest, a deep mire, or a mighty mountain peak, just to name a few. 

But do we actually use those locations to their full potential?

With The Creator’s Guide to Awesome Locations - Nature we take a deep dive into the most popular natural locations, how to plan and design them, create maps and unlock their full potential for our story.

On over 250+ pages (for now...) we help you create, run, and experience popular natural locations better. Here, we explore, discover, and unpack the following amazing spaces.

Each location is packed with variations upon the location, ideas and inspiration. 


Who is this book for?


If you create locations you need this book. Whether you are a DM running a campaign in Dungeons and Dragons, or you are a GM designing a map for your explorers to discover in a 1920's adventure set in the Amazon rainforest this book will help you during the game and out of the game.

If you are an author, worldbuilder or story writer you need this book. Understanding the geography, the design principles and the reasons behind why some locations function the way they do will enhance your ability to describe, design, and use these places in your world.



Who’s behind this book?

Lead Author, Guy Sclanders

Host of the YouTube channel How to be a Great GM, author of several books and roleplaying game systems and lover of maps, Guy has dedicated his life to helping others tell great stories and have amazing experiences.

His past is clouded in lecturing at universities, making TV shows and script-writing; the lessons of which are scarred into his psyche as reason why roleplaying is much better than real-life.

Co-Autor, Till Lammer

As CEO of DungeonFog, map enthusiast, creator and publisher of several hundred battlemaps and long time game master, Till has dedicated his life to helping others create epic maps and streamline their creative processes.

In his past, Till was working as graphics-design teacher, as well as art director and designer for medical congresses, event locations and conventions (which could explain his devotion to layout plans).

Where to get the book?


The Kickstarter campaign launched on October 11th. Become a Backer and make sure that you grab your own copy of The Creator’s Guide to Awesome Locations - Nature.